Hajj: Its Definition and Rewards

Hajj literally means to head towards a particular destination.

The meaning of the Hajj and the rewards that every Muslim pilgrim receives

  • Hajj literally means to head towards a particular destination. In Islam, Hajj means to visit the Sacred House of Allah ﷻ in Makkah to perform certain rituals as told by The Qur’aan and explained by the Sunnah.
    Allah ﷻ has made Hajj (pilgrimage) to His Sacred House compulsory on His slaves who can afford it. Allah ﷻ says in the Qur’aan:
  • Hajj is therefore an obligation due to Allah upon every male and female Muslim who is able to do so, once in a lifetime.

The Prophet ﷺ said “The Hajj is once, so whoever does it more, then it is optional” [Aboo Daawood, Ahmad and Al-Haakim]

  • A Muslim should try to secure the pleasure of Allah ﷻ , success and happiness in this world and the Hereafter through Hajj. While in these sacred places, the pilgrim should try to grow nearer to Allah ﷻ through words and deeds which are pleasing to Allah ﷻ He/She should also try not to have any worldly interest in Hajj. At the same time, a person should not go for Hajj because of fame and pride because these are evil actions.
  • A pilgrim should try to be in the company of pious and righteous people with good knowledge and faith in Allah ﷻ . This will enable him/her to get the full rewards for this act of worship and he will then not be distracted by unimportant issues.

قال رسول الله ﷺ بني الإسلام على خَمْسٍ شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدًا رسول الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة والحج وصوم رمضان (رواه البخاري ومسلم)

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Islam was built on five pillars testifying that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhummad is the Messenger of Allah; establishing prayer,paying Zakah; performing pilgrimage to the House (The Ka’bah in Makkah); and fasting Ramadaan. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

  • The wisdom behind Hajj is the purification (cleansing) of the soul from the effects of sins so that it becomes deserving of Allah’s reward in the Hereafter. In a statement the Prophet ﷺ said that a person who goes for Hajj and does not commit any sins in the process, will be free of sin like a newborn baby.
  • The Prophet ﷺ also said that when a Muslim performs Hajj his/her sins and poverty are thrown away just as a fire melts away everything impure from iron, gold and silver. The Prophet ﷺ makes the importance of the Hajj clear to us when he says that a Hajj Mabroor will be rewarded with Paradise. The Muslim who undertakes the pilgrimage to Makkah should be aware of the importance of the Hajj and the rewards that await him/her. It is therefore important for a Muslim to perform it in the correct manner and always to remember Allah ﷻ during the course of the journey. No pilgrim should desire the life of this world and the benefits thereof. Instead, he/she should make an effort to concentrate only on making preparations for life in the Hereafter. This is done by gaining all the spiritual rewards that Allah ﷻ offers to a Muslim who performs the Hajj sincerely and remembers Allah constantly.
  1. Hajj means to visit the Sacred House of Allah ﷻ in Makkah to perform certain rituals as stated by the Qur’aan and explained by the Sunnah.
  2. Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime for a Muslim who can afford it.
  3. A person should not have any worldly interests when performing Hajj.
  4. A haajj should be in the company of pious and righteous people.
  5. Hajj is a pillar of Islam.
  6. Hajj purifies the soul from the effects of sins.
  7. Hajj offers many spiritual rewards.

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