Ulama Instiute

live Tutor

Ulama Institute is a place where you can hire an instructor to learn Arabic and Quran

Sibilling discount

10% discount for the first two students on the same account and a 5% discount for every additional student. Contact the Instructor for details!

Arabic Language

Quran hafiz


Join The instructors

Please feel free to search and ask questions, that is why we are all here to gain your trust

No hidden fees
Money Back

Perfect courses
For Every student

we have several types of courses

will meet the need of every student

Islamic school

Arabic, Quran, Islamic, Hadith, Manners, Islamic History, Quran Explanation all in one class

One hour class

$10 per Private Tutoring

Half hour class

$6 per 30 Minutes

the more classes you take, the lower the subscription up to

$ 7 per hour


All the courses offer a sibling discount
up to 10%

All the courses offer different types of sibling discounts all upon the agreement


Ulama Institute has carefully selected our instructors to ensure their creditability and background. Each tutor has been hand-picked for their expertise in the subject matter.

At Ulama,, you can pick and choose the instructor

At Ulama Institute, finding and searching for tutors and instructors allows the student to tailor the learning experience to specific needs and learning styles. With live tutors at Ulama, the student can ask questions and receive personalized feedback, which helps to retain information better than simply watching prerecorded videos. Additionally, working with a tutor allows students to progress at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most help.

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online learning management system

Our learning management system offers numerous advantages to students, including the ability to access course materials from anywhere at any time. Additionally, the system allows for easy collaboration with other students and instructors, as well as the ability to track progress and monitor grades in real time

Get Inspired

Surah al-Hujurat: 13.

 O, people! We created you from a male and a female, and We made you races and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. The best among you before Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knowing and Aware.

What Ulama Institute offers
learning journey
confidence in learning


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